Hunters can choose exactly the type of pet that they want
As one of the lead producers of World of Warcraft and one of the key driving forces behind the WoW expansion, WoW Cataclysm, has been giving a lot of interviews since the announcement was made at Blizzcon that there would be a follow-up to the most monetarily succesful game of all time and the game…
The two sides compete for the wow
The two sides compete for the Storm in the eyes of four control towers and the battle flag of the map, each occupied by a tower will increase the occupation force’s victory points, the more the occupation of the tower, the team get more points, the occupation of a tower, the team Victory points will…
The trolls are hoping to win back their home
The trolls accepted Thrall’s offer, and Vol’jin eventually led his tribe to the vibrant jungles of the Echo Isles located just off the rugged coastline of Durotar. Skilled Dark spear riders have even been known to channel their raptors’ savagery to suit their will. In Sen’jin’s honor, Thrall welcomed the Dark spears into the Horde…
Draenei-Alliance Requires The Burning Crusade
Yet the draenei’s peaceful existence did not last. Upon discovering the renegades’ home, Kil’jaeden corrupted the noble orcs into a single, bloodthirsty force of destruction: the Horde. Blinded by rage, the orcs wreaked havoc upon the draenei, slaughtering over eighty percent of the race and forcing Velen and other survivors into hiding. Many draenei also…
Introduction on the Burning Crusade
Your second character will pretty much live on auto follow. You’ll be able to pop over between fights, they will not be able to deal massive amounts of damage or keep you healed up as well as a second player would be able to. Money is one of the most basic concepts in the World…
Make sure your partners have Earth Shield
You make and sell your products. The higher the level your character is the higher the prices in the prices of your products. Then you go to the indicated area to get your gold. The delivering This massively multiplayer online role-playing game is set in the world of Azeroth, a fantastic land that is…